Our team

The HERMON Heritage team consists of management, project leaders, support staff and the secretarial office. The core values of our team are expertise, versatility, honesty and a solution-oriented approach. And above all, passion for monuments.

Managing board

Machiel van der Plas is the CEO of HERMON Heritage. he have years of experience in complex redevelopment projects and transformations of (inner) urban areas. He works within the board with Miranda Huijs (Project director), Frank Maertens (CFO) and Natascha van der Doorn (Head development).

Machiel van der Plas

Managing board

    • Machiel van der Plas (CEO).
    • Frank Maertens (CFO);
    • Miranda Huijs (Project Director);
    • Natascha van der Doorn (Head development).

Project Supervisors

    • Joep Peters.

Property management

    • Dave Arts;
    • Freek Bömers;
    • Eef Verhoeven.


  • Katy Pullara.

Communication and PR

  • Thijs Kuijpers.

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About HERMON HeritageManaging Board

Visiting address

Oudenoord 330-340
3513 EX  Utrecht
The Netherlands

Post adress

P.O. box 5
3700 AA  Zeist
The Netherlands


CoC: 09 217 136
VAT: NL821.986.260B.01

We give a future to the past HERMON Heritage