Monastry Loreto opens doors for Ukrainian refugees

Monastry Loreto opens doors for Ukrainian refugees May 23, 2022 -

Work on the redevelopment of the Loreto monastery in Simpelveld into a ‘spa for the soul’ is in full swing. We are in close consultation with the municipality and other involved parties and are putting a lot of effort into the final details, before the actual physical work can be started. A redevelopment of large scale monuments such as this one requires enormous preparation, customization and piecing together all the pieces of the complex puzzle. As a flexible party, we always look for the right solution and are therefore pleased that there is a lot of enthusiasm for the current plans. We hope to be able to start the physical realisation of phase 1 of this project at the end of 2022. In the meantime, however, there has been unused space in the complex. This is why, since the beginning of May, the monastery has opened its doors as a temporary shelter for refugees from the Ukraine. The ‘Zusters van het arme kind Jezus’ (Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus) and HERMON Heritage are very happy to be able to contribute in this way to provide a safe place for the refugees.

Visiting address

Oudenoord 330-340
3513 EX  Utrecht
The Netherlands

Post adress

P.O. box 5
3700 AA  Zeist
The Netherlands


CoC: 09 217 136
VAT: NL821.986.260B.01

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